WORKLINK SERVICES, INC. (WSI) is a privately owned Filipino corporation, established in 1999, for providing efficient, effective and reliable courier, forwarding, trucking and logistics services to various domestic industries.
In the past years, WSI has successfully established itself in the logistics industry, lending its expertise in the management and distribution of a wide range of merchandise. We offer dependable professional transportation service to manage all your time-critical requirements such as documents, food, garments and industrial equipment.
We are one of the most reliable & trusted freight forwarding companies in the country
WORKLINK SERVICES, INC. (WSI) 为一家菲律宾的私营第三方物流企业。公司成立于1999年,经过十几年的积累,WSI在物流行业成功的建立了自己的专业体系服务。特别对于一些对时间有苛刻要求的货物商品,比如:文件、食品、服装、一些工业设备等,WSI皆能提供专业,可靠的仓储和运输服务来管理和分销各种商品。
美迪福(上海)软件服务有限公司是全球领先供应链执行系统软件供应商,我们专注WMS,TMS, POD的解决方案。Made4net WarehouseExpert,TransportationExpert,动态路线优化等其他产品都在世界主要市场国家注册产品商标受到企业客户高度认可和欢迎。美迪福(上海)软件服务有限公司是Made4net在亚太的独资公司。
WORKLINK SERVICES, INC. (WSI) &Made4net就仓储项目成功签约于8月,Made4net 在中国的美迪福(上海)软件服务有限公司同事非常荣幸参与到此项目的实施过程中。WORKLINK SERVICES, INC. (WSI)在Made4net的助力下,将形成物流业务的全面信息化覆盖。